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Image of Amazon Rekognition logo icon - a green square with a polymorphic blend in the background. In the center, a line art graphic in white of a stylized magnifying glass with a photo in the center of the lens.

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon Rekognition makes it easy to add image and video analysis to your applications using proven, highly scalable, deep learning technology that requires no machine learning expertise to use.

Amazon Rekognition is a fully-managed service that provides deep learning technology and machine learning to automatically identify images, videos, and other objects. 

  • Easy to use and get started
  • No machine learning expertise required
  • Identify thousands of objects
  • Instantly analyze photos and video
  • Add custom labels for specific business needs
  • Moderate inappropriate content
  • Read skewed or distorted text
  • Detection, search, and verify faces
  • Recognize celebrities for marketing
  • Analyze movement with pathing

Amazon Rekognition is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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