Amazon Personalize Info

Image of Amazon Personalize icon - a dark gray box with a line art graphic in the center depicting a person in a circle with arrows rotating around the circumference.

Amazon Personalize

Amazon Personalize is a fully managed service that goes beyond static, rules-based systems and trains, tunes, and deploys machine learning models to deliver highly relevant recommendations.

Amazon Personalize – powered by AWS – delivers a fully-managed, cloud-based recommendation engine for enhancing your websites and applications. 

  • Built on decades of AWS innovation
  • The same machine learning that powers
  • No ML expertise required
  • Subscription-based service, pay only for what you use
  • Automatic provisioning and deployment 
  • Highly secure and encrypted for data security and privacy

Amazon Personalize is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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