This section contains agency-quality web design tutorials as they relate to various forms of social share and engagement on websites

How to Use FontAwesome Icons to Style Your Contact Information
Basic contact information can help support a contemporary web design with some key place FontAwesome icons.

How to Add Social Share Icons with Unique Hover Effects
Creating social share icons with unique hover effects helps encourage social media interaction.

How to Make the Ultimate Breadcrumb Navigation and Share Bar
Put navigation tips and social media in one location with this handy breadcrumb navigation and share bar tutorial.

How to Add Social Share to your Company's Google Search Results
In this article, Solodev will teach you how to add your company social networks to Google's search results...

Styling your Website's Twitter Feed
Twitter has become a standard social media channel and Twitter feeds have become popular on websites. This tutorial aims to teach you how to add some styles to your website's Twitter feed.

Adding a Sticky Social Share Bar to your Website
Increase social engagement by adding a sticky social share bar to your website. This allows visitors to share content on social media from wherever they are on your website.

Adding a User Engagement Bar to your Website
Gaining customers is the start, retaining them is another matter. This article provides the code to add a user engagement bar to your website.

Implementing Social Share on your Website
Including social share on your website is crucial to making it easy for users and site visitors to share your content with their respective social media networks. Every social network has a different method of enabling you to do this and in a piecemeal approach but with Solodev, we've created a single shortcode to enable your content to be shared across all of the social networks you specify.
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